IT Managing

SCT Consulting - IT Managing

Please answer all the questions (compulsory) in regard to IT managing in your business. You can leave comments for each question (optional) if you feel necessary.

You regularly review your IT for out-of-warranty equipment and replace such equipment when the technology is key to the business.

You have an independent mentor to discuss your IT needs with from time to time.

You regularly (at least every three years) "test the market" to be sure that your IT service providers are still the best "fit" for your business.

When staff expectations of IT service providers are not met, the staff know they have someone to raise the issues with.

You have reviewed your business privacy obligations at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's website and identified your legal obligations.

You have policies to ensure that your privacy obligations are met.

You have reviewed your business record-keeping obligations as set out by the Australian Taxation Office and identified your record-keeping obligations.