Services (orig)

Looking for IT managed services?
[better-rss feed=””]
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feed: The URL to the RSS Feed ti display.
use_title: Option to add the Title of the page to the RSS Feed URL
use_tags: Option to add the page tags to the RSS Feed URL
items: The number of items to display.
hide_title: Set to 1 or true to disable display of the article titles.
hide_link: Set to 1 or true to disable links on the article titles.
show_author: Show the author of the article in the list.
show_date: Show the date of the article.
show_time: Show the time of the article.
show_summary: Include a snippet of the article in the list.
excerpt: Sets the length of the summary to show.
link_target: Set the “target” for the href tag.
nofollow: Set to 1 or true to add the nofollow tag on links.
cache_duration: Set the cache duration for the feed.
html_parent: The HTML tag to use at the start of the list. Default is ul
html_item: The HTML tag to use for each item. Default is li